  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Decade = 1940-1949
The Atlanta University Bulletin (newsletter), s. III no. 31: July 1940
The Atlanta University Bulletin (newsletter), s. III no. 60: December 1947
The Brownite Yearbook 1946
Morris Brown College Yearbooks
The Atlanta University Bulletin (newsletter), s. III no. 43: July 1943
The Atlanta University Bulletin (catalogue), s. III no. 58;1946-1947; Announcements 1947-1948
The Atlanta University Bulletin (newsletter), s. III no. 44: December 1943
The Atlanta University Bulletin (newsletter), s. III no. 36: December 1941
The Atlanta University Bulletin (newsletter), s. III no. 51: July 1945
The Atlanta University Bulletin (newsletter), s. III no. 64: December 1948
A Manual for Teaching Organization of Small Business
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The social theories of W. E.B. Dubois
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The Atlanta University Bulletin (catalogue), s. III no. 53: Summer School, March 1946
The Panther 1946
Yearbooks of Clark College and Clark Atlanta University
The Brownite Yearbook 1947
Morris Brown College Yearbooks
The Atlanta University Bulletin (catalogue), s. III no. 54;1945-1946; Announcements 1946-1947
Morris Brown College Catalog 1945-1946
Morris Brown College Catalog
The Atlanta University Bulletin (newsletter), s. III no. 68: December 1949
The Atlanta University Bulletin (catalogue), s. III no. 38:1941-1942; Announcements 1942-1943
The Clark College Bulletin: Eighty-second Annual Catalogue, Announcements for  1949-1950