  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Decade = 1950-1959
  • Geographic Location = New York
"Mrs. L. C. Bates, Students to Get N.A.A.C.P. Award" article on Mrs. L. C. Bates and Little Rock Nine students receiving national N.A.A.C.P. award. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Negro Leader Going to Arkansas to Fight Arrest" article on Mrs. Daisy Bates returning to Little Rock to fight court on her arrest. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Mrs. Terrell, N.A.A.C.P. Leader, Dies" article on the passing of Mrs. Mary Church Terrell. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Mrs. Bates is Fined $100 in Little Rock" article on Mrs. L. C. Bates being fined $100 and ordered to pay court costs for violation of ordinance. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Mary Terrell Helped Found the N.A.A.C.P." article on the life of Mrs. Mary Church Terrell. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Mrs. Eisenhower Hails Mrs. Terrell" article on Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower honoring Mrs. Mary Church Terrell at the National Association of Colored Women's convention at Metropolitan Baptist Church. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Mrs. Terrell Praised First Lady Pays Tribute to Negro Woman Leader" article on Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower honoring Mrs. Mary Church Terrell at the National Association of Colored Women's convention at Metropolitan Baptist Church. 1 page.
Press Release "Statement from Mrs. Bates at Press Conference New York" on Mrs. Bates stating she will return to Little Rock to face the politically inspired charges from the police. 1 page.
Press Release "Faubus Wanted Violence Against Negroes, Says Arkansas Leader" on Mrs. Bates speaking on Gov. Faubus involvement in growing mob violence for EBONY. 1 page.
"Mary Bethune Accusers Are Given a Spanking" editorial by Eleanor Roosevelt which states that, "Attack on Negro educator would be funny" says former First Lady, "if it weren't so frightening". 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Bethune Ban Protested: Negro Women's Leader Attacks Englewood School Board" article on the protest of Englewood School Board for banning Dr. Bethune. 1 page.
Time Magazine Article on Mary McLeod Bethune's life and legacy. 4 pages.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"We Know John Sparkman: Mary McLeod Bethune" editorial from Mary McLeod Bethune on supporting John Sparkman. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"New Yorkers Give Dr. Bethune 'Frozen' Treatment" article on 10 percent of invited guest list of 1000 persons showed up to pay tribute to Dr. Bethune. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Great Lady Coming" article on Mary McLeod Bethune who will be a guest of honor at a dessert-luncheon in observance of Brotherhood Week at Roosevelt College. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Mary McLeod Bethune" article on Mary McLeod Bethune's life published on May 20. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
News Clipping about Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune addressing the National Council of Negro Women at their Regional Conference. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune to Receive $1000 Gift for Bethune Foundation" article on $1000 gift to the Bethune Foundation. 1 page.
"Mrs. Bethune Sails Overseas" article on Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune traveling to Switzerland. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
News Release "FOLO NAACP, Little Rock" on Mrs. L. C. Bates stating she would returning to Little Rock on Monday and surrender to a warrant for her arrest. 1 page.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection