  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Decade = 1970-1979
  • Geographic Location = Massachusetts--Andover
Campus scenery. Written on verso: note the deep woods [is] typical of New England areas (Inspired American Poems. Bird Sanctuary Phillips.
Chandler Family Papers
Football game. Written on verso: Note Beth Angela sitting. Phillip's football [?].
Chandler Family Papers
Room photograph. Written on verso: Ted's library is seen as one part of the long living room so accessible to students who came by for conferences with the family. (Beth kept her own faculty friends when home from her own work) Go just for chats- students and faculty alike (Beth never gave up her own Profession to be another campus wife). Warren's Apt. at Phillip's [AUC].
Chandler Family Papers
Unidentified person sitting on a campus area. Written on verso: Beth meditating in Bird's Sanctuary at Phillip's (Note the popular New England Branches) Oh! Robert Frost.
Chandler Family Papers
Forest scenery and lake. Written on verso: Beth and I often trolled to share our silence + sometimes our spoken dreams - E.C. Bird Sanctuary Phillip's.
Chandler Family Papers
Erdie Chandler & Olivia Chandler seating at the table with cups. Written on verso: Sept 25, 1973. Olivia and Erdie sip coffee in Beth's and Ted's dining room. Dinner at Andover Inn later for the whole family.
Football game. Written on verso: Beth Angela enjoyed the Cheer leader's tumbling with no concern of racial difference. Football scene- Phillip's.
Chandler Family Papers