  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Subjects = Voting
  • Collection = Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Black Voters Prove Their Clout" article on Jimmy Carter's successful presidential campaign was due in part by Black voters.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Black Teens Say it Will Pay to Register" article about Black teenagers registering to vote for the first time, and seeing their participation and progress toward equality.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Black Vote Brings 'Revolution' in Mississippi" report on the increase of Black voters in Mississippi and the impact it is having on the state toward civil rights.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Negro Throngs Register" article on a large rise of Black voters in southern counties in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
Sign outside a registrar's office in Tuskegee, Alabama documenting the federal investigation.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"South Rises On 6 Million Black Votes" article on Jimmy Carter's successful presidential campaign was due in part by Black voters in the South.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Voting: A Strange New Custom for Washington, D. C." article on residents casting ballots for the first time.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Black Vote Gains Cited in South" article about the registration of new Black voters by the VEP helped with the election of Black leaders.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Black Vote May Have Put Ohio in Carter Country" article noting the voting turnout in Ohio may be flipped toward Jimmy Carter in the presidential race.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"The Voter Registration Drive in Selma, Alabama" article about the town of Selma, it's residents, and the efforts of groups like SNCC to register Black voters.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"The Voting Rights Act, What It Means How To Make It Work For You" booklet explaining the history and sections of the Voting Rights Act and their importance.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"President Signs Voting Rights Bill" article on President Johnson passing voting rights and how vice president Hubert Humphrey pledging to enforce the new bill.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Fear in South, Vote Potential of the Negro" article on the potential ousting of White politicians due to the power of the new Black voters.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Senate Unit Backs Voting Rights Bill" article on the approving on a compromise version of the voting rights act.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"The Cry for Meaningful Voting Rights Sent Out to the Nation" press release on the 160 mile long march organized by the SCLC and the National Coalition to Save the Voting Rights Act.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Shirley Chisholm, 1st Black Woman in US Congress" article on the new constituent in Brooklyn, New York.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"A Daughter of Slavery Makes the Senate Listen" article on Carol Moseley-Braun speaking to the senate about opposing the defense of the American flag.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Shirley Chisholm, 'I'm not kidding'" article on her announcement as a presidential candidate.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"Crusade to Double the Negro Vote in the South" brochure explaining the importance and representation of the Black vote.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection
"What the Voting Rights Bill Has Done" infographic on the increase of non-white voters in the south.
Johnson Publishing Company Clipping Files Collection