  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Subjects = Women's rights
  • Geographic Location = Washington D.C.
Bylaws template for local league board of directors. 7 pages.
National League of Women Voters official handbook for Local League Leaders. 58 pages.
Atlanta Urban League Papers
Information on "Strengthening the United Nations" program for League of Women Voters of Georgia members. 14 pages.
Correspondence with fact sheet, and the report of the House Appropriations Committee Bill No. 4663. 3 pages.
Correspondence to Dr. Clark Foreman as a thank you letter to the Advisor on Economic Status of Negroes. 1 page.
Correspondence Between Clark Foreman, Adviser on Economic Status of Negroes to Mrs. Hope seeking advisement on programs from Neighborhood Union. 1 page.
Response to meeting request between First Lady Roosevelt and Miss Marion Grace Conover. 1 page.
Request for interview with Mrs. John Hope and First Lady Roosevelt. 1 page.