  • Institution = Clark Atlanta University
  • Department = English
  • Geographic Location = Georgia--Atlanta
  • Decade = 1970-1979
The concept of choice in selected tragedies of Shakespeare, 1978
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The women in the novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1970
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Sylvia Plath as poetic feminist: the darkest hour is just before dawn, 1975
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Dual value systems in Shakespeare: appearance and reality, 1978
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The themes of birth and death as archtypes in the four novels of Zora Neale Hurston, 1973
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The unspoken heroine in William Faulkner's the sound and the fury, 1977
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Flight beneath earth: the alienation theme in the fiction of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Richard Wright, and Ralph Ellison, 1973
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Regionalism in the fiction of Ernest J. Gaines, 1978
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Race and the human condition in William Styron's The Confessions of Nat Turner, 1970
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Definitions of the English sentence, 1972
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Images in the black literary tradition, 1975
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Theodore Dreiser's attitude toward morality and American society in five major novels, 1974
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Compulsory reading instruction for graduate students: a survey of attitudes and their implications for program planning, 1975
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The collapse of tradition as viewed by three West African novelists: Achebe, Beti, Ekwensi, 1971
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Milton and evil in disguise, 1970
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
A study of the Kajoe Black women novelists of the late 1940's, 1971
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
The visual imagery predominant in Gwendolyn Brooks as exemplified in Annie Allen, The Bean Eaters, A street in Bronzeville, In the Mecca, Family Pictures, 1971
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Attitudes toward religion in the fiction of Richard Wright, 1971
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Why Walt Whitman explores amativeness and adhesiveness in some of his poetry, 1972
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations
Baldwin and the black religious experience in the urban ghetto, 1971
Atlanta University and Clark Atlanta University Theses and Dissertations