  • Institution = Interdenominational Theological Center
Exterior of a large house surrounded by trees.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
Two men talk over the ITC library reference desk as two women and a man talk in background.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
Frank C. Cummings with a minister seated at a table.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A large group of men stand for a portrait in a church.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A woman and man sit at dining table at an event.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A group of five men seated on couch at the ITC campus.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
Dr. Oswald P. Bronson stands with a man at an event.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A man smiles at a banquet..
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A group of men gather inside the ITC cafeteria dining area. Written in album: Founder's Day Banquet.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A group shares laughs at a banquet inside the ITC dining hall.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A man speaks from the podium at an ITC banquet.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A man is hooded by Dean Wilkerson of Turner School of Theology.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A man speaks from the pulpit.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A man speaks from the pulpit.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
Hugh Glouster speaks from the pulpit at an event.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
Men eat inside the ITC dining hall.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A student speaks behind a pulpit. Written on verso: Various students giving their senior sermons.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A child of Gammon students plays on a swing set.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A man stands with his hand on a sign in a field. Sign reads: The Lord's Acre.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection
A Gammon graduate poses for a portrait on the steps of a Gammon building.
Interdenominational Theological Center Audio Visual Collection