  • Subjects = African American universities and colleges
  • Geographic Location = Pennsylvania--Philadelphia
This document contains a letter addressed to Mr. Albert Paul Brinson from Curtis B. Gans, the National Affairs Vice President of the United States National Student Association. The letter expresses gratitude for Mr. Brinson's participation in the National Student Conference on the Sit-In Movement, held in Washington. Gans commends Brinson's courage and leadership in the civil rights movement, highlighting that his contribution inspires others. The letter emphasizes the importance of building a nation where all individuals can experience freedom. It concludes with appreciation for Brinson's efforts and encourages him to continue the fight for positive change. 1 page.
This document outlines the involvement of the United States National Student Association (USNSA) in the sit-in movement during the Civil Rights era. Established in 1947, USNSA represents over 375 colleges and universities across the United States through democratically elected student governing bodies, making it the largest National Union of Students globally. 68 pages.