  • Institution = Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library
  • Institution = Spelman College
A Bibliography Representing Spelman College Faculty Publications, 2013
Atlanta University Center Scholarship Bibliographies
Atlanta University Center Faculty Publications: A Selected Bibliography, March 2018
The effect of stereotypically thin female images on Black women's acceptance of abusive behavior in romantic relationships
Atlanta University Center Faculty Publications: A Selected Bibliography, February 27, 2008
Black female college students' attitudes towards black males who have been incarcerated
Investigation of mating types in parasexual amoeba, Cochliopodium (Amoebozoa)
Body image and sexual decision-making
Ethel Waddell Githii Honors Program Theses
Atlanta University Center Faculty Publications: A Selected Bibliography, March 21, 2011
Perceiving prosperity: How does the prospect of attaining funding for a college education affect one's future?
Atlanta University Center Faculty Publications: A Selective Bibliography, March 2015
The impact of early childhood instruction on children's academic self-concept outcomes
Atlanta University Center Faculty Publications: A Selected Bibliography, March 15, 2013
A Black helping hand: Collecting the narratives of Black American voluntourists in Trou Baguette, Haiti
Atlanta University Center Faculty Publications: A Selected Bibliography, February, 2009
The implications of language choice in African literature: Impact of globalization, education, and publication accessibility
Black women in the virtual world: Spelman College students and the development of online identity
This publication series highlights selected scholarly and research contributions of the Atlanta University Center (AUC) community. The bibliographies, which are compiled by the Robert W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center, illustrate the richness of faculty contributions within each institution and across the AUC community.
Atlanta University Center Faculty Publications: A Selected Bibliography, March 2019
Dr. Patricia Ventura, Spelman College, March 2014