  • Institution = Spelman College
  • Department = Department of English
Perceiving prosperity: How does the prospect of attaining funding for a college education affect one's future?
The implications of language choice in African literature: Impact of globalization, education, and publication accessibility
Review of Aurora Vergara Figueroa Afrodescendant Resistance to Deracination in Colombia. Massacre at Buenavista Bojay Choc by AuroraVergara Figueroa
Neurodiverse Afro Fabulations: Pauline Hopkins's Counterintelligence
Opioid Storytelling: Rehabilitating a White Disability Nationalism
The Uses and Limits of Archives in Decolonial Curricula
Spelman College Faculty Publications
"Let Yo Booty Do that Yoga": Black Goddess Politics
Spelman College Faculty Publications
"We're all patriots in this house": American Fantasies of Colorblindness and Border Control in Stranger Things
Writing Guide with Handbook
Spelman College Faculty Publications
Race, Rhetoric, and Research Methods
Spelman College Faculty Publications
Beyonce, Black Motherhood, and the Return of Wrenching Times